Decoding NDIS Terminology: A KYD-X Guide

Navigating the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can be a bit like learning a new language. However, just as with any language, once you understand the basics, everything starts to make more sense. At KYD-X, we’re passionate about making your NDIS journey as smooth as possible, which is why we’ve prepared this guide to demystify common NDIS terms.

1. Participant

Original Term: NDIS Participant

Meaning: An individual with a disability who is accepted to receive support from the NDIS.

2. Plan

Original Term: NDIS Plan

Meaning: A documented strategy specially tailored for the participant, detailing their goals, needs, and the support funded by NDIS.

3. Provider

Original Term: NDIS Provider

Meaning: Organisations or individuals approved to deliver NDIS support services to participants.

4. LAC

Original Term: Local Area Coordinator

Meaning: LACs are partners of the NDIS who help participants write their plans, understand their funding, and link them to local services.

5. Support Coordinator

Meaning: A professional who assists participants in understanding their NDIS plan, connecting with providers, and ensuring the most effective use of their NDIS funds. That’s what we provide through KYD-X!

6. SIL

Original Term: Supported Independent Living

Meaning: Refers to the support services (like skill-building activities) that help participants live independently in their homes.

7. SDA

Original Term: Specialist Disability Accommodation

Meaning: Housing that’s specially designed for participants who require significant adjustments or modifications.


Original Term: Early Childhood Early Intervention

Meaning: A support approach for children aged 0-6, ensuring they receive timely assistance without requiring a long-term NDIS plan.

9. Capital Support

Meaning: Funds allocated in a participant’s plan for one-off purchases like assistive technologies or home modifications.

10. Core Support

Meaning: Basic day-to-day support to help participants with their daily needs and activities.

11. Capacity Building

Meaning: Support designed to enhance a participant’s skills and independence over time.


Additional Terms to Understand

12. Plan Review

Meaning: A regular assessment of a participant’s NDIS plan to ensure it remains relevant and effective. This typically occurs annually.

13. Nominee

Meaning: A person appointed to act or make decisions on behalf of the participant, especially if they’re unable to do so themselves.

14. Informal Supports

Meaning: Unfunded support that comes from a participant’s social network, like family or friends.

Discover KYD-X’s Expert Support Coordination Services

Demystifying NDIS jargon is just one way we empower and support our community. Our experienced team at KYD-X provides expert Support Coordination services tailored to your individual needs. 

Navigate the NDIS journey with confidence and make the most of your plan. Reach out to us today to find out how we can be your guiding hand through the NDIS maze.

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